“How can you know if you are doing everything you can for your spiritual growth? It is only through time and experience that a human being is able to measure his or her spiritual growth. You may ask some relevant questions: Am I better than I was last year? Has my perception of spiritual realities changed? Are my goals in life more focused toward eternal goals? Have I started to detect the falsehoods of the material world and am I seeing beyond appearances? Have I increased my self-mastery? Have my relationships with my brothers and sisters in this world improved?
“All these questions are really just a search for the fruits of spirit in your life. Those who desire to follow the will of the GOD will have taken the necessary steps to overcome their animal impulses and achieve a higher expression of their selves. A more spiritual person is more in tune to that which is most important in life and can’t be easily deceived by those things that the world asks of those who have not learned to think independently. A human being who follows the desires of her nascent soul loves her siblings with increasing sincerity, but may distance herself from them in order to to find her own path because often spiritual awakening makes men and women more independent, not just blind sheep that without any discernment follow the tendencies of the flock.
“Have you learned that in this life it is not important what you have accumulated or what others may think of you? It is more important that which you leave on your path. How many have you helped? Who has benefited somehow from your spiritual progress? How much truth have you shared freely with those who came to you for answers? How many thirsty souls drank from your Source? These are the questions you will ask yourself in the next worlds, when in all honesty you consider the success of your material life.
“Finally, your advancement can be measured by how clearly the divine nature within you is reflected through you. This aroma of purity and truth is perceived by all your siblings, many times unconsciously, but it is evident to those above who see you as you really are. The more transparent you become — the more your ego and your partial view of reality don’t diminish the glow of the GOD within you — the closer you will be to what your Thought Adjuster is trying to accomplish with you and the closer you will be to the final union with the divine.
“Accept once and for all with all your heart that there is nothing you lack. Everything you need to achieve glorious and complete success in your life you already possess. Look within yourself when you try to judge your level of progress and give always the best of yourself in every opportunity that arises on your path
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