My Son Video ( 1 )

#Spirit dreams are the experiences of the untethered soul. The #humansoul never sleeps, only the biological mechanism requires that it come to rest to re-energize, regenerate cell function, and to heal — this serves the animal nature — our interface with the material world. Our #spiritual nature however, the human soul, requires other more needful things that it may not receive during its conscious moments on the Earth Life.
It is here in the ‘sleep life of the soul’ where your education for afterlife begins. Most of us retain little of these night excursions and some will tell us that they rarely dream at all, but I tell you that we do indeed have continued experiences during the time of sleep — only we, do not recall those experiences. *welcome baby akasha - 7month pregnancy*

#erlanggamyid #souljourney #baby#babyboy #pregnancy #7monthpregnant

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